Rose Class 4 – The Rose Ba Gua

Creating clarity and Soul alignment in your expression  through the Rose Ba Gua 

The Rose Ba Gua are a group of 9 Roses that came forward to offer clarity and purpose in your heartfelt expression in the world. When they first revealed themselves I found myself having a dialogue in the shower as there was resistance from me to the Feng Shui term… could they be light/life codes?

The insisted that they were indeed a Ba Gua. In Feng Shui a Ba Gua is a box of 9 squares that each have a particular aspect of life in focus. This comes from the original ‘Tibetan Black Hat’ form of Feng Shui and is traditionally placed over the footprint of your home to ascertain the areas in the house that you would look at to hold the intention to experience change in that part of your life.

So each of the 9 Roses which came forward to make up this set brings a focus to that particular aspect of expression in the world for you. As we work through the day so we explore your connection to these areas of your life from a heartfelt perspective… what is your heartfelt desire or longing in that aspect and what message does that particular Rose offer you.

A unique personalised Ba Gua for you is created as we work through the day and you can see where you may be blocked or resistant in stepping forward in life.

In the process you will truly connect with the beating heart and soul of your home in a new way, in co creative collaboration as an alchemical chalice for your journey. Then connect with the high frequency pure beauty and transformational geometry of the 9 Rose Bagua Light Code energies to spin your dreams for your future through your space.

To take this workshop you need the background of Rose 1, 2 and 3


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