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A message from me and the Roses..

I am currently in the process of bringing through NEW updated work with the Rose codes of light and their heart medicine for this time.

The original Rose Alchemy Oracle was birthed 12 years ago and was focussed on illuminating a pathway of healing the Sacred Wounds of the Heart… We have all been through such an upshift of awareness and consciousness since that time and I have been feeling the call to listen deeply to the voice of the Roses now.

My guidance from Lady Nada, Gaia and the Brothers and Sisters of the Rose is that there is a NEW message and path to the work ahead that feels very exciting and totally aligned to these times we are currently navigating.

I am focussed on creating space for the new guidance to come through and writing… my sense is that the NEW Way of The Rose will be ready to launch online live and in person from the Autumn Equinox. Look out for updates.

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