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The Way of The Rose Retreat Day – The Magdalene Within

22nd July is the feast day of Mary Magdalene. Come join us for a very special celebration and gathering in her honour. Who was this woman who calls us to fully embrace our Divinity, Sensuality, wholeness and power, yet dance and flow with the mystery of life?

I am offering a day retreat here in Sacred Sister Circle at the Rose Temple exploring the message of the Magdalene as a inner voice and embodiment and how that relates to this time in our evolution and your personal journey.

Can you hear her whispered message?… her call now to fully embrace the Mastery of your Soul path and the awakened power of the Magdalene within. To take your next steps to your sovereignty, owning and truly loving all that you are.

Come share the journey in the Rosy community, tune in to your inner connection with Mary Magdalene and Mother Mary, tune in through beautiful guided meditations, receive your own insights and walk the Rose Labyrinth.  We will also work with the healing and transformative frequencies of the Rose to help you take your next steps to fully embody your highest Soul self and further activate the Rose flame of your Heart.

The Way of The Rose is the path of Divine Feminine LOVE in action. Weaving the different aspects of the voice and presence of the Feminine, the Mary lineage and the Sisterhood of the Rose.

Numbers are limited to a circle of 12 for this gathering.

Please bring a dish to share for lunch

teas, coffee etc plus yummy nibbles will be provided.

To book and purchase this event please visit the shop.

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