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The Rose and the Alchemy of the Heart


The Rose has been in my life since my earliest childhood threading her way subtly in and out of my work and my conscious awareness until early in 2010 when a trip to The Alhambra, Granada, Spain at Rose time was to change the path of my life… For years I have been fascinated by The Esoteric, Sacred Geometry, The Magdalene and the story of the Feminine, The Cathars and the Mystery of the Book of Love but something new opened as the beautiful Roses from this Moorish Palace whispered to my Heart…

So I will share some of my journey with the Rose and the development of Rose Alchemy and the Rose Oracle… We will explore the Mystery of the Rose, her importance at this time in our evolution and how she works to gracefully bring healing and inner balance… opening and activating our Golden Hearts. Bring your pendulums and rods and experience the shift in your energy that working with the Rose brings.

Sandy Humby is the creator and Author of Rose Alchemy – Rose Oracle for the Heart. She is a thought leader in the field of Vibrational Medicine and Heart Coherence, an Energy Alchemist and Pranic Healer with over 30 years of experience researching and working with the Human Condition!!

Rose Alchemy has evolved from Sandy’s adventures into the Mysteries contained within the Heart of the Rose and the pure transformational power of Love.

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