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Ready to create and maintain powerful and positive high frequency magical 5D space for you and your family in 2018?
This promises to be a powerful day of journeying with me through a process to work with the energies of space. What influences the positivity of a space and makes it life enhancing or diminishing.
People call for a consultation for one of 3 main reasons… Health, Relationships or issues with Financial abundance. The energy imprint of a space can affect all three of these.
We will look at the tools for transformation I use and why…
We will go through the process of reading and illuminating the energy and storyline of a house, identifying spirit and entity energy, spirit release and clearing protocols plus how to rebalance and realign spaces to hold high frequency Sanctuary for you and your family.
I have worked with hundreds of clients and their homes and workspaces in Europe, Scandinavia, USA and here in the UK. There is much to share in the stories and experiences.

This is a rich day of honing your skills to tune into the energy of spaces and a protocol and tools that I have been developed over the past 20 years.

A light vegetarian lunch is provided during the day and refreshments.

If you book Inner Feng Shui/The Rose Ba Gua class on 28th Jan with this class there is a special price of £150.00 for the 2 days.

To book and purchase this class please visit the shop.

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