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I am super excited to start to share the New Rose class format. It has been almost 2 years now since I have shared the complete run of Rose Classes… the Roses have called for a deepening in me again and at this point of rebirth they have expanded from 45 Rose Codes of light to 52! This is the complete set that will be working together going forward.

There are now 7 levels of classes… here is an overview

Rose 1 – Healing with High Frequency Pure Love Rose Codes, The Rose Healing Grid, Self healing, Energy Anatomy, Sacred Geometry, Attunement to the Way of The Rose, The path of Love and the evolution of Divine Feminine Consciousness. The Sisterhood of the Rose and the Mary line and the Rosa Mystica.

Rose 2 – Sacred Relationship, The dance with the Inner Beloved, The weave of Divine Masculine and Feminine qualities of being on all levels, releasing old patterning and coming home to Self, to Be Love in action.

Rose 3 – The Rose Angels – The 5 wounds to Love and the jewels of Inner transformation, the opening and activation of your Gold Heart field and Golden Light body.

Rose 4 – The Rose Ba Gua – Inner Temple and Outer Temple. Exploring the 9 key areas of your life expression through the Rose Temple of the Heart

Rose 5 – Rose Ma – The Mother of the Rose – Embodying the qualities of the awakened Heart field, the Divine Mother, living from Love.

Rose 6 – The Cosmic Roses – Soul Star, Earth Star, Stellar Gateway and Gaia Gateways. Portals of connection for inner alignment and pathway to bring Heaven on Earth.

Rose 7 – The Heart Star Roses – The threefold flame of the higher heart… the balancing of Love, Wisdom and Power as an activating force for good in the world

The invitation from this introduction webinar is to join me on the Rose journey either in person or Online as we work through the 7 levels of the the Rose Oracle and how this beautiful Divine Feminine, High Frequency, Vibrational Healing pathway is a wonderful tool for transformation. This pathway offers a way of opening up the Higher Heart energies which bring forward Inner Illumination, the unification of Inner Masculine and Feminine powers and qualities within and a graceful journey home to Self, to Love.

Since 2010 I have shared these classes in both the UK and New Jersey, New York, Florida and Arizona USA. The new level of the The Way of the Rose I am being shown is a path of Inner Mastery…The Rose Alchemy Oracle Roses are Pure Love Codes now revealing themselves as incredible Sacred Feminine ‘tools’ offering support, guidance and deep healing.

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