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A wonderful opportunity for a session with Sandy to explore your evolutionary journey of 2019, where you are now and what is calling you forward. During the session Sandy will create your personal Rose and Crystal Mandala as you work together through the lens of your personal Rose Bagua which, when complete will be photographed and sent to you.

As you create your unique template moving forward Sandy will work with you to release any old patterns and stories that are still impacting on your clarity and power to step more fully onto the path of beauty, truth and love which is calling you Home to an ever deeper connection within.

Readings/healing available

A 30 minute intro taster session for healing and inspiration is available to book until 18th May 2019 for just £45.00 and ideally suited to focussing on one or two areas of your life.

For a full reading approx 75 mins £108.00

To book and purchase this course please visit the shop.

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