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Living in clear high vibrational space that is truly a Sanctuary for your Soul is becoming essential for our optimum wellbeing as we transition more fully into the new paradigm of Heart based 5D living.

In this powerful day you will learn Masterful techniques for reading, clearing and rebalancing the energy of space. You will understand the elements that can affect the ‘feel’ and subtle energies that make up the healthy ‘note’ of a house and how to optimize that feeling of ease and alignment within.

Ideally, your home should be a charge capacitor for a healthy mind, body and soul! It should wrap its arms around you as you walk through your door, you should feel safe, nourished, inspired and energized, to go out ready to share your gifts with the world!

For many this is not quite how they experience home and the result can be poor health, challenges in relationships and financial struggles. Often these changes are first noticed a few months after moving house… we will be exploring why!!

So we will also be looking at why you live where you do and what was the attractor factor! How revealing the hidden story held within your home can bring insights, ah-ha’s and healing for your own soul journey.

We will be working with Dowsing and space clearing tools… exploring Geopathic and psychic Geopathic energies, Earth Grids and Vortexes, the role of FengShui. Finally beyond the clearing itself, you will experience how to re charge and empower the cleared space with high frequency sound, selected vibrational codes and pure intention… and to finish the process, how to beautifully connect your heart (or that of your clients) with the true beating heart of home.

Sandy will share her wealth of experience through over 15 years of working with spaces and of hundreds of fascinating consultation stories from the UK, Europe, Scandinavia and USA.

She is a natural ‘sensitive’, anexperienced Pranic Healer, Pranic Psychotherapist, KLC(London)Interior Decorator, House Whisperess, has trained in both Pranic and Form school FengShui and has been a Dowser for the past 20 years.
A guaranteed full and fascinating day!


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To book or for information please contact Renae:

Email: renae@designharmony.com, Tel: 001 908 797 5225
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