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Finding the stillness within

The Way of The Rose is the path of Awakening to the voice of the Sacred Feminine within. To consciously choose to enter a place of Sovereignty and Self Love that creates a new field of possibility for your life in every moment.

The Golden Heart of the Rose offers the blessing of remindingyou to move out of your habitual doing, doing, doing into a place of deep rest and receptivity. To take time to stop and smell the Roses in your life and bring a sense of Inner Peace and well being into your day-to-day flow. To move your operating centre down from the constant chatter of your mind to rest in the wisdom of yourown Golden Heart!Knowing that from that place all action is aligned to your souls highest calling.

This day is the perfect opportunity to bring focus and attention to the pure state of BEING… to stop the merry-go-round of daily life and step off. To gift your self the opportunity to review and re charge in a beautifully held and nurturing sanctuary.

You are invited to come and be part of the circle and a day of community, connection, stillness and sharing. We will be working with breath work, gentle movement, journaling, meditation, sound and laughter to come to a still point within. This will give you a reset and a resource that you can take into your daily life as a new anchor point and guide.

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To book or for information please contact:

Email: renae@designharmony.com, Tel: 001 908 797 5225
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