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This is the second opportunity to walk this 5 week adventure with the Elemental Rose Dragons with me live online.

Feed back from those who have taken this course with me in January can be seen on the Rose Dragons page.

Background and the Invitation

2022 saw me moving from the beautiful New Forest to Somerset and the Isle of Avalon. Although on many levels the move didn’t make ‘sense’ I had to trust there was a Divine purpose in the process. I hadn’t long been here when I felt a strong calling to a Sacred site locally called Burrow Mump. The Mump was somewhere I was aware of but had never visited. From my first visit I knew that this was an energy node that was waiting to activate to the next level…and the guidance was that this was timed for the Winter Solstice 2022 and there would be many other energy nodes around the world activating too.

It has been an extraordinary journey so far with The Mump… but part of that unfolding is the emergence of 5 earth energy currents that introduced themselves as The Elemental Rose Dragons. They shared that they were from the 5D Heart of Gaia. That they were activating now as they had a major role to play in the next level of awakening in humanity. They are here to assist in our true Heart reconnection with the Sacredness of the Earth and deeper understanding of the elements within the body of the earth, the Gaian fields and our own bodies health, wellbeing and alignment.

These beautiful energies are here to awaken us to the full power and sovereignty seeded within our humanity.

Gaia is inviting us to more fully connect with the elemental qualities of Earth, Air, Fire, Water and Ether/Crystalline that make up our essential nature. Our physical bodies are of the Earth… her body is our body. Through the journey of connecting with the Rose Dragons we explore this relationship and new ways to balance and heal harnessing the wisdom of the elements within.

This will activate a further awakening to the truth of who you are through the conscious rising of the inner currents of energy and the bio plasmic field of liquid light. The Rose Dragons and their frequency of pure love are guiding us on an ever deeper journey home.

Come join me on the adventure.

5 weeks starting on Tuesday 11th July 7pm-8.30pm

11th July – Rose Dragon of the Earth

18th July – Rose Dragon of the Air

25th July – Rose Dragon of the Fire

1st Aug – Rose Dragon of the Water

8th Aug ( Lions Gate)  – Rose Dragon of the Ether/Crystalline

Special offer price of £108.00 if booked before end June. Thereafter £144.00

To include your 5 elemental Rose card energies which act as portals for the Rose Dragon consciousness… plus the printable grid and e book to accompany them.

Please note… For those outside of the uk the Rose Dragons will be send as a downloadable pdf file to be printed out along with the new grid and e book (unless you arrange a separate shipping option with Sandy)

Within the Uk… 5 Handmade Rose Dragon cards and pouch will be shipped plus downloadable pdf grid and e book.

To book and purchase this course please visit the shop.

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