During my last visit to the USA with the Roses I had the opportunity to visit the Rose Garden at the United Nations in New York along with two other ‘Rosy Ones’ who are part of the Rose Group gathering in the USA.
The Rose Garden is tucked behind the massive UN building on the East River in New York city. A true hidden gem which is currently not open to the public.
We walked past the waving flags of the member nations towards the sharply defined high rise which is the core building of the UN. Through the high security entrance following our hostess and guide Rev Susana Bastarrica, we entered what seemed to be another world of stairways and escalators and endless corridors to emerge finally back into the June sunshine and the glorious vista of the Roses and the river.
The Rose Garden is filled with bed upon bed of colour and fragrance and was said to have been conceived by Eleanor Roosevelt. Each bed contains Roses gifted by a country or organisation.
We wandered through the Rose beds to the Great Peace Bell. Such an amazing sound, so deep and powerful touching the core of the body when sounded (yes we did!!) and guess what? The Peace Bell has Roses on it!
Looking back towards the UN building from the Rose Garden I was struck by the contrast of yin and yang, this severe glass almost phallic yang building rising from the ground and the softness of the Rose Garden at its feet. Did Eleanor instinctively know of the need to bring balance to the masculine energies driving the work in the building with the soft yet powerful feminine yin-ness of the Rose Garden? A potent reminder of the need for harmony and Heartfelt active compassion in the world?
Sandy Humby 22nd Oct 2014
By Paul Chantler|October 22nd, 2014|Blog|Comments Off on UN Rose Garden