
Sandy nominated as one of the top 144 UK Evolutionaries

I have been nominated as one of the UK’s top 144 Evolutionaries by for my work with Rose Alchemy and as a thought leader in 21st century vibrational healing. When the Roses ‘spoke’ to me in 2010 I had [...]

By |September 16th, 2016|Blog, News|Comments Off on Sandy nominated as one of the top 144 UK Evolutionaries

The Labyrinth – Returning to Centre

For the second year running I have felt drawn to mow a Labyrinth into the back garden of the Rose Temple. It has not been staked or measured out but I have simply downloaded and printed an image from the internet… sellotaped [...]

By |August 16th, 2016|Blog, News|Comments Off on The Labyrinth – Returning to Centre

The Chalice Well Spring Retreat

'The Women came... they gathered around the Sacred Well. They had responded to a call, each one following a knowing deep within. They had made their way to the mystical land of ancient Avalon. She had called them in dreamtime, inviting [...]

By |May 19th, 2016|Blog, News|Comments Off on The Chalice Well Spring Retreat

Creating Sanctuary for your Soul, Space Clearing & aligning your home

Does your house wrap its arms around you as you walk through the door? Do you feel safe, nourished, inspired and energised to go back out in the world and share your gifts? If the answer is no, why might [...]

By |March 23rd, 2016|Blog, News|Comments Off on Creating Sanctuary for your Soul, Space Clearing & aligning your home

The Rose and the Healing power of Love

There is something special about the Rose, she holds a favoured place in many people’s hearts and memories. Most people I have met on my journey with the Rose have a story that somehow links with a powerful heart opening [...]

By |February 7th, 2016|Blog, News|Comments Off on The Rose and the Healing power of Love

Being here now – a Rosy healing meditation for you

How much of you is fully present, and in the moment, to your life? I mean consciously present in your physical body… feeling connected to the earth and in full awareness? This is something that takes practice but the benefits [...]

By |January 22nd, 2016|Blog, News|Comments Off on Being here now – a Rosy healing meditation for you

Insights on the 31 day Rosy Adventure

On December the 1st in my morning meditation I was guided to commence a 31 day process with the Rose energies from the Rose Oracle… and I knew this was the next deepened process... goodness, what a journey it has [...]

By |January 8th, 2016|Blog, News|Comments Off on Insights on the 31 day Rosy Adventure

Following your Hearts’ calling…

The end of a year always feels like the closing of a chapter in a book to me… an opportunity to review the year that has passed and bring myself to rest in the most yin/feminine place of stillness and [...]

By |December 10th, 2015|Blog, News|Comments Off on Following your Hearts’ calling…

Which path are you committed to?

The word commitment has been dancing in and out of my thoughts recently asking for attention. In this time of turbulence and change in our outer world where is commitment calling you?   Regularly in life we can find ourselves [...]

By |November 25th, 2015|Blog, News|Comments Off on Which path are you committed to?

Continuing Your Journey With The Roses

So I have my Rose Oracle deck… what’s next? For some people drawn to the Rose Oracle it is the beauty and the uplifting quality of the images that they simply enjoy having around. Perhaps shuffling the deck daily as [...]

By |October 26th, 2015|Blog, News|Comments Off on Continuing Your Journey With The Roses
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